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Aircraft Carrier


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So last night I had contacted some world warfare admins about league battles based mainly on sea would be interesting to see. So I told them make aircraft carriers and they said they would what do you all think? How about what details it should have? Gun? Anti air guns? Can it train planes? Please comment and help the developers out :)

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I think this is a great idea. Submarines also. But not only navy troops... Just make it lots of water and put the victory points in a place where navy is required to get them. In the current format, navy troops are nearly useless since Tiger tanks and Waffen bases can rarely ever be attacked by navy troops in global battlefield. 

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Aircraft carriers would have to be designed one of two ways to keep them from being all powerful. Either they act as mobile airbases and need armaments built at the city and need to dock to refill armaments so as to build more units or you could build units in city and fly them out depending on how far you were going to take the unit. Or the aircraft carrier is self sustained and can build an indefinite number of aircraft only needing resupply  for food and gas. Both options would require a limit to the number of active planes the ship can house. The first option would be the less powerful option and the most expensive. The second option would make the planes more vulnerable. Because they would be tied to the carrier and loss of the carrier would result in loss of the  if you made the planes act like ammo there would be no defense against it you could shoot down the planes but without requiring them to be rebuilt they would just keep coming with no relief.

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The aircraft carrier should only be able to build scout planes and have anti aircraft guns for defence against air units, also can carry fighter aircraft, bombers, and transport planes (but NOT with a load of troops in them). It can also refuel, rearm, upgrade, and repair planes depending on the carriers level from 1 to 5. Ex.

                         -level 1 to 2 (refuel, rearm, and repair) ---[cannot make scout aircraft]

                         -level 3 to 5 (refuel, rearm, upgrade, and repair)---[can make scout aircraft]

Another suggestion is supply ships with a huge amount of resources packed from transport trucks coming from your city to your dock for your naval fleet that can supply ships with (ammo, food, and fuel) and supply ports that are not connected to your territory with building materials.

supply ship-The higher the level, the more resources and building materials you can store. (no defensive weaponry)-----[ A radius around the ship should notify the range it can resupply ships and docks. Also have the privilege to turn on and off resupply]

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I too am a lover of the naval units. The aircraft carrier has the ability to transfer the greatest amount of willpower and force from an attacker to the defender and should be he last ship unlocked for all naval units. The aircraft carrier shall be designed in accordance with the guidelines below.

- Weaponry

-- The aircraft carrier shall not house organic weaponry as is a floating base for aircraft, thus contains all the anti-air capability needed aboard the ship. Furthermore, the aircraft carrier should be escorted by destroyers, cruisers, submarines which will do the fighting shall the need arise.

- Plane construction & maintenance

-- The aircraft carrier shall train all types of aircraft permitted to land, excluding the transport aircraft. The aircraft carrier shall not produce armaments. Furthermore, armaments for trainable planes shall only be accessible to the aircraft carrier when docked at a harbor, and then only transported via transport trucks from the city. The aircraft carrier shall build aircraft anywhere away from the dock when armaments are available. Furthermore, it shall be restricted to a tiered build system (ex lvl 1 no aircraft, lvl 2 scout planes, lvl 3 fighters, lvl 4 torpedo bombers (wink), lvl 5 bombers).

-- The aircraft carrier shall repair, resupply, and upgrade all aircraft allowed to land. All repairs to stored aircraft shall be manually initiated. Should a repair require an armament to which none exist, the plane shall not be repaired. All resupplies to stored aircraft shall be manually conducted.  The aircraft carrier shall be permitted to upgrade stored aircraft upon expansion to level 3. 

- Storage capacity

-- The aircraft carrier shall hold a sizable force for deployment. The storage capacity shall increase with each level of expansion. The aircraft carrier shall hold all types of aircraft, including the light transport aircraft with occupants to allow land units to attack deep in the enemy territory, yet exclude the heavy transport aircraft as its size and capacity will provide a disadvantage to the defending unit. League units shall be allowed to land on the aircraft and receive all privileges of the aircraft carrier as initiated by the owner.

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I too am a lover of the naval units. The aircraft carrier has the ability to transfer the greatest amount of willpower and force from an attacker to the defender and should be he last ship unlocked for all naval units. The aircraft carrier shall be designed in accordance with the guidelines below.

- Weaponry

-- The aircraft carrier shall not house organic weaponry as is a floating base for aircraft, thus contains all the anti-air capability needed aboard the ship. Furthermore, the aircraft carrier should be escorted by destroyers, cruisers, submarines which will do the fighting shall the need arise.

- Plane construction & maintenance

-- The aircraft carrier shall train all types of aircraft permitted to land, excluding the transport aircraft. The aircraft carrier shall not produce armaments. Furthermore, armaments for trainable planes shall only be accessible to the aircraft carrier when docked at a harbor. The aircraft carrier shall build aircraft anywhere away from the dock when armaments are available. Furthermore, it shall be restricted to a tiered build system (ex lvl 1 no aircraft, lvl 2 scout planes, lvl 3 fighters, lvl 4 torpedo bombers (wink), lvl 5 bombers).

-- The aircraft carrier shall repair, resupply, and upgrade all aircraft allowed to land. All repairs to stored aircraft shall be manually initiated. Should a repair require an armament to which none exist, the plane shall not be repaired. All resupplies to stored aircraft shall be manually conducted.  The aircraft carrier shall be permitted to upgrade stored aircraft upon expansion to level 3. 

- Storage capacity

-- The aircraft carrier shall hold a sizable force for deployment. The storage capacity shall increase with each level of expansion. The aircraft carrier shall hold all types of aircraft, including the light transport aircraft with occupants to allow land units to attack deep in the enemy territory, yet exclude the heavy transport aircraft as its size and capacity will provide a disadvantage to the defending unit. League units shall be allowed to land on the aircraft and receive all privileges of the aircraft carrier as initiated by the owner.


Edited by Oracle
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